Did you know that your unhealable money blocks are not shifting because they are not related to money?
For example, a lot of my clients have been experiencing unchangeable financial stagnation as a result of an energetic attack, or as a result of carrying a deep ancestral envy wound.
I know – it’s not what we commonly hear.
Usually, in the mainstream manifestation world we’re taught that every stagnant financial money block means that we need to heal more. And then we heal and heal and heal, but we’re still financially stagnant. Or even worse, we heal and all of our blessings land to other people.
Everything changed in my money work both with clients and in my personal life when my psychic gift got activated. This took my work to a whole new level. All of a sudden, my eyes were opened to a world of new possibilities where I could see so many unseen reasons why people feel like no matter how much inner work they do, they are still incredibly stuck. All of a sudden, I had access to answers that I didn’t find anywhere, and I began seeing the different tiers of the work on money. (some of which I’ll share below so make sure to read until the end)
First, I was going to tell the story of how my psychic gifts got activated another time, but my intuition won’t let me.
My previous article talks about my journey of becoming a coach from the beginning. Check it out here.
The journey I’ve shared there talks about my story up until the moment of feeling the intuitive calling to pivot my business and decondition many of the rules I was operating from. One of the parts of this process also meant taking the time to heal the conditioning I was carrying about my role as a healer, and making room for a new definition of it to emerge.
It was in this season when my psychic gifts got activated. I cannot tell you exactly when or how this happened, all I know is that at some point, I suddenly realized that I was seeing + understanding the world differently. It was like a veil was lifted from my eyes, and I was seeing it all clearly. I was seeing beyond masks, and it was as if I was suddenly reading people’s energy and intentions. I was connecting with clients and instead of leading the process from my human, as I say it, I led it from my magic.
As a context, in my purpose, I had the ability to see people’s blind spots from the beginning, but the difference is that back then I was able to see my clients’ blind spots mainly from my own experience + training. My intuition was there, but it was also covered by a lot of conditioning that was repressing my psychic gifts. Right now, that information is coming through me + my channel, not through my rational logical brain.
And while having this gift completely changed my purpose and my life in the best way, its activation was also quite unsettling, especially in my personal relationships. It was quite shocking to see that people that I used to think had good intentions, actually had quite dark intentions. That the people I gave my time, energy, gifts and money to freely and generously were actually using me and my gifts.
When I was first seeing all of this, I had to do a lot of inner work to not be continuously triggered by it. I still do. If your psychic gifts got activated suddenly, you know what I mean. It’s shocking to go from seeing it all with your human mind, to seeing it all as it is. When my gift first got activated, I went into a season of full isolation because I didn’t know how to handle it socially. I’d go to a barbecue wanting to have a good time and decompress, and then I would suddenly receive channeling messages for the people that were there that I didn’t even know (lol) and it was both hilarious and scary. And it’s not the messages received that were scary, but learning how to do life from scratch as a psychic was both scary and confusing. Because of my anxiety and past OCD, it felt like all I did pre-healing was to run away from my mind, and now it got even louder. Yikes. The only memory I had about someone being a psychic was from when I was binge watching Theresa Caputo, The Long Island Medium, a few years ago, and she was going to buy bread and the next thing you’d see was that she connected with someone’s dead cousin in the food store and she would just begin straight out delivering the message she was hearing (I am cracking up as I am writing this because it’s actually funny seeing myself in that light). Now, I don’t connect with people that passed very often, but the sudden unfolding of my gift really looked like that, minus the external channelling. I really believe I am here to portray positive, less woo-woo picture of psychics and psychic gifts, and for me it feels true to respect people’s free will, so I am not sharing these messages unless I am in a context where I am specifically asked to do so.
Now, the conversation about woo-woo. I am a grounded Virgo who is very anti-extreme expressions of any kind. I am all about balance, and one of my gifts is to always come back to balance. I was into body healing/trauma healing, but I’ve never made it my whole niche. I was into intuition but I never made this my whole personality. I just prefer to be an expansion for balance, because it’s easy to lose ourselves in what we’re passionate about out of trauma. This is also why one of my values is to not stick to any beliefs or teachings as being the ultimate ones, but to teach what is true for me in every moment and yet allow my visions + purpose to evolve and shift.
From here, I know that the stigma we place upon people who suddenly bring spirituality in their work is to think that they’ve gone insane. This is one of the ancestral witch wounds that many of us have. And many times, it is exactly that.
But I also believe that “woo-woo” is simply another term we’re meant to decondition.
My own definition of woo-woo is an ego-based, trauma-based expression of spirituality rooted in intentions that are not for the highest good of all, and in behaviours & beliefs that are reflective of mis-used spiritual gifts or teachings.
The very nature of humans is to sometimes get lost in the shadows, and it’s even more alluring to do so on our path to healing or enlightenment. This is how “woo-woo” can happen. But going to an extreme can happen when showing up from the shadow in lots of areas.
I have a lot of intuitives on here that are repressing their spiritual gifts because they were taught to fear being too woo-woo, which they define as being perceived as insane or losing it. This is how society often perceives people that share a more spiritual approach to things. It’s almost like the moment you get spiritual, you have automatically lost it. But that is just a form of judgment that we can choose to simply decondition,
Yes, spiritual psychosis is real, but I believe that when you commit to diving into spirituality while simultaneously healing your wounds including your witch wound, balance will always follow n everything you do.I have people in my world that I absolutely love and that share about spiritual topics that could be woo-woo, but they are not because the energy and place from which these conversations are had are simply clean and grounded.
If you are an intuitive repressing their spiritual mission, see the fear of woo-woo as an initiation into healing your wounds & as a commitment to doing this mission from a place of balance + heart.
Summed up, this is how my psychic gift manifests for me – it’s like a superpower that shows me the unseen. In my work, it allows me to see the client and to see the reason why they are stuck within minutes. It also allows me to see people’s missions when they are in a season of stepping into their purpose or in an in-between, and to deliver to them any messages that they need to move forward + achieve their desires. I don’t do any form of future predicting or anything woo woo or dark that to be honest, scares me as a client, too.
This gift made my work so much fun. I saw people change their lives in 30 minutes and their transformation feels faster than ever before.
The way in which I’d describe the process of leading my work from this place is a is like being mindblown and quite shocked all the time. Not only that I suddenly began seeing why a lot of the over-hyped work was not working for my clients from way more unconventional lenses, but I was breaking away from my own conclusions.
Money wise, I had amazing opportunities to apply this new skill with client situations that were breaking the mould of the typical money blocks people have: I had clients come to me that did all the healing work and were still stuck, clients that used to be excellent manifestor that all of a sudden saw no results even with the actions that brought them success before, clients that were manifesting only through their partners or through other people no matter how much work they’ve put in, women that were only attracting financial dynamics where they had to be financially responsible even if it wasn’t what they wanted.
And I want to share some of the unconventional reasons why my clients were blocked financially that were revealed to me psychically.
#1: Evil eye/energetic attacks
How come our ancestors in many cultures would say an evil eye prayer the moment we’d have a headache all of a sudden, yet we think that every time we struggle it may be because we need more healing or we need to fix ourselves?
This was first revealed to me in my situation, and then I began receiving that it was the reason why some of my clients were experiencing sudden financial stagnation, especially after a lot of success. You see, this can sound woo-woo and untrue, and it can be untrue for you. But it wasn’t for me and my clients. In my own case, it was my own lack of believing in “Woo-woo” that made me vulnerable to psychic and energetic attacks from people that were lusting over what I had with evil, envious eyes. It was hard to even accept that this exists, but after my gift was activated, it was revealed to me that this was one of the biggest reasons for my block. The way in which this can show up for us can be quite terrifying: all of a sudden, what worked no longer works. We stop feeling like ourselves. We feel like our magnetism is lost and nothing we do to bring it back seems to work. We feel powerless, and like life as we knew it was taken from us. And because I am here to bring a less shadowy, more grounded meaning to what being a psychic/medium means, I am here to explain this work to you in my very grounded, practical manner. I share about what I came to understand psychic attacks and generational curses are, and how to break away from there here: https://mindfultricks.teachable.com/p/remove-evil-eye
#2: An envy wound
Before I could connect with the unseen, I couldn’t understand through my logical mind why people who were envious were never ever manifesting, or were in a spiral of negative karma. But it was always the same story: someone would DM me basically saying they would want to create what I have but they cannot and are broke. From my own trauma, I always wanted to help them, even if I could always feel the envy beyond their words.
Now, I see it clearly. I wrote a post last week saying “envy is a curse magnet” because of this quite revolutionary information I received. It turns out that envy is a bad karma magnet. You see, what was revealed to me was that the biggest reason why you can be in a cycle of failure with no relief in sight is because you have an envy wound that keeps you in a loop of curses/energetic attacks. When we project outwardly extreme envy & evil eye, that will often be sent back to us by people that know how to protect themselves. Literally most protection spells are about “sending back the energy to the sender”. When I received this information, I understood that this is why the only human that I never saw succeeding is the human that learned to deal with their own failure by hating & envying the people that succeed, and doesn’t want to heal that wound.
This is not a doomsday message – it’s an empowering one. Envy wound can be a form of generational curses passed down from your ancestors that had this response to someone else succeeding and never seeing success of their own, and it manifests as a strong emotional hold that gets triggered when you see someone succeeding or celebrating. Without your awareness, this trigger takes you over and keeps you in this cycle of negative karma. With your awareness, you bring loving compassion to this part of you and commit to healing the emotional hold it has on you. Heal your envy wound, break the cycle of negative karma, and see your blessings unfold!
These are some of the unconventional blocks that were keeping my clients in financial stagnation, but there are many more that were shown to me.
This doesn’t mean that the money work focused on healing doesn’t work – it totally does! But the way in which I always see personal development work is that is covers different tiers that meet our different needs.
The holistic money healing work is still something I teach, and it’s for the situation when our emotional wounds/limitations cause our financial stagnation. The “unconventional blocks” type of work is for us when no amount of healing seems to shift our financial stagnation, and when we have tried it all with no result.
P.S. If there’s enough request on this topic, I’ll turn it into a program. Let me know if this is something you want by filling in this form: LINK